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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text must be 1.5 spacing between lines; it uses a 12 size font, Times New Roman style; it resorts to italics instead of underlining to highlight; the figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of annexes. The images and/or figures and tables must also be numbered, have a legend, and be sent in .jpg format.
  • Any submission to the journal must be accompanied by a Responsibility statement and a Copyright transfer agreement, in addition to an Image use agreement (if applicable) – marked by the author during the submission process.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished and it is not undergoing assessment by another journal; otherwise, there is a need to justify in “Comments to the editor.”
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word (.doc) format.
  • Citations and references follow the American Psychological Association (APA) style, described in Guidelines for authors.
  • The article has a maximum of 7 (seven) authors. The order of names (main author and co-authors) in the published article will be that informed upon submission.
  • The instructions available in Anonymity and blind peer review should be observed.
  • Submissions that do not meet these standards will be sent back to authors.

Author Guidelines

  General instructions for submission of manuscripts

  1. The journal is structured into 2 sections: articles and reviews.
  2. The articles should be unpublished, derived from empirical research and/or conceptual studies on public policies.
  3. The reviews should address books published within the last 36 months, having: a maximum of 2,500 words, written in a 12-point Times New Roman font, 1.5 spacing, abstract in Portuguese and English (up to 150 lines) and 4 to 6 keywords.
  4. The originals should be sent to the journal in Microsoft Word (.doc) format on this digital platform.
  5. The studies are approved through assessment by the Editorial Board and ad hoc reviewers, considering their adequacy to the journal’s editorial line, as well as the content and relevance of contributions.
  6. The studies published in the journal must be sent along with the authors’ authorization; total or partial reproduction, in any dissemination medium, is prohibited without prior authorization by the journal or the authors.
  7. Concepts and opinions conveyed in the various studies, as well as accuracy, source of quotations, and language review, are the sole responsibility of authors.
  8. Ethical issues related to research with human beings (if applicable) imply authorization by a research ethics committee, in accordance with Resolution No. 466/2012, issued by the Brazilian National Health Council (CNS).

Ethical guidelines

1. Publication and authorship

1.1 Authors, when submitting their manuscripts, should declare that their content is original and that it has not been published or submitted to any other publication (in any language).

1.2 Authors, when submitting their manuscripts, are aware of the journal’s standards regarding plagiarism and fraudulent information. The Editorial Team and the reviewers are fully engaged and committed to not allow the publication of plagiarism and fraudulent information.

1.3 It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that all information and data in the submitted manuscript are authentic.

1.4 It is the authors’ responsibility to let the editor know if they find any errors, incorrect data, or misleading information in the manuscript.

2. Peer review and assessor’s (reviewers’) responsibility

2.1 Assessors (reviewers) have a clear script, received along with the manuscript to assess, containing these topics: relevance; originality; timeliness of discussions and references; adequacy to the field of knowledge; methodological rigor; and the journal’s quality standards.

2.2 When assessors agree to evaluate a manuscript, they should inform there is no conflict of interest in relation to both authors and research.

2.3 Reviews (opinions) are strictly confidential.

Manuscript format

  1. Texts are accepted in Portuguese, Spanish, English, and French. Texts in Portuguese, Spanish, and French must have title, abstract, and keywords in the original language and in English. Texts in English must have title, abstract, and keywords in the original language and in Portuguese.
  2. The manuscript, in Microsoft Word format (.doc), must have a maximum of 20 pages (including notes and references) typed in 1.5 spacing, with a 12-point Times New Roman font and 2.5 cm margins.
  3. Abstracts must have a minimum of 150 and a maximum of 250 words and 4 to 6 keywords.
  4. The text may be structured with the following parts: introduction; methodology; results; discussion; and conclusions. These sections must have title and subtitle (if applicable).
  5. The title must denote the manuscript’s content in a maximum of 12 words.
  6. Images and/or figures and tables must be numbered, have a legend, and be sent in .jpg format.

Citations and references

All citations in the body of the text should refer to the corresponding bibliographic item included in the list of references at the end of the article.

Bibliographic items are listed alphabetically and apply the American Psychological Association (APA) style manual.

In case of doubt, it is recommended to refer to this work:

Nascimento, M. M., Sabadini, A. A. Z. P., & Sampaio, M. I. C. (2013). Normalização de referências: adaptação do manual de estilo da American Psychological Association (APA) – 6a ed. São Paulo, SP: Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo. Retrieved from

1. Citations

1.1 Authors are cited by surname followed by the publication year of a work.

1.1.1 One author: (Acemoglu, 2005) or Acemoglu (2005).

1.1.2 Two authors: (Aggarwal & Smith, 1995) or Aggarwal and Smith (1995).

1.1.3 Up to seven authors: First occurrence with all authors – (Fávero, Belfiore, Silva, & Chan, 2009) or Fávero, Belfiore, Silva and Chan (2009). Other occurrences with the first author followed by the Latin expression “et al.” – (Fávero et al., 2009) or Fávero et al. (2009).

1.1.4 Eight or more authors: First occurrence until the sixth author followed by ellipsis and the last author – (Binder, Zagefka, Brown, Funke, Kessler, Mummendey ... Leyens, 2009) or Binder, Zagefka, Brown, Funke, Kessler, Mummendey ... Leyens (2009). Other occurrences with the first author followed by the Latin expression “et al.” – (Binder et al., 2009) or Binder et al. (2009).

1.2 Citations with multiple authors follow the alphabetical order of their last names instead of the chronological order: (Acemoglu, 2005; Aggarwal & Smith, 1995; Fávero, Belfiore, Silva, & Chan, 2009) or Acemoglu (2005), Aggarwal and Smith (1995), Fávero, Belfiore, Silva and Chan (2009).

1.3 Citations of authors with the same surname indicate the initials of the abbreviated names: (J. F. Solomon, A. Solomon, Norton, & Joseph, 2000) or J. F. Solomon, A. Solomon, Norton and Joseph (2000).

1.4 Bibliographic items by the same author with different publication dates indicate the author’s last name and the years of publication in chronological order. When different works have the same date of publication, a sequence is added in lowercase letters after the year of publication: (Acemoglu, 2005, 2007a, 2007b, 2007c, 2009) or Acemoglu (2005, 2007a, 2007b, 2007c, 2009).

1.5 Bibliographic items whose author is an entity indicate its name in full, followed by the date of publication: (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, 2010) or Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (2010).

1.6 Literal transcription:

1.6.1 Up to 39 words – delimited by double quotation marks, followed by author’s last name, date of publication, and cited page: (Acemoglu, 2005, p. 22) or Acemoglu (2005, p. 22).

1.6.2 From 40 words on – in proper paragraph without quotation marks, with 4 cm left indentation: (Acemoglu, 2005, pp. 22-23) or Acemoglu (2005, pp. 22-23).

2. References

2.1 Book

2.1.1 One or more authors:

Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Psychology Press.

Gil, A. C. (2010). Como elaborar projetos de pesquisa (5a ed.). São Paulo, SP: Atlas.

Van der Brug, W., Van der Eijk, C., & Franklin, M. (2007). The economy and the vote: economic conditions and elections in fifteen countries. London: Cambridge University Press.

Fávero, L. P., Belfiore, P., Silva, F. L., & Chan, B. L. (2009). Análise de dados: modelagem multivariada para tomada de decisões. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Elsevier.

2.1.2 Institutional authorship:

Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. (2009). Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE). Rio de Janeiro, RJ: IBGE.

World Health Organization. (2002). International guide for monitoring alcoohol consumption and related harm. Geneva: WHO.

Brasil. (2005). Estudo de caso Brasil: a integração das ações de alimentação e nutrição nos planos de desenvolvimento nacional para o alcance das metas do milênio no contexto do direito humano a alimentação adequada. Brasília, DF: Ministério da Saúde.

2.1.3 Listed by title, without specific authorship:

Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho (1977). (46a ed.). São Paulo, SP: Atlas.

Pronunciamento Conceitual Básico – R1. (2011). Estrutura conceitual para elaboração e divulgação de relatório contábil-financeiro. Brasília, DF: Comitê de Pronunciamentos Contábeis.

Youth Risk Behavior Survey. (2007). Trends in behaviors that contribute to violence YRBS: 1991-2007. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

2.2 Book chapter

Lane, S. T. M. (1995). Usos e abusos do conceito de representação Social. In M. J. P. Spink (Org.), O conhecimento no cotidiano: as representações sociais na perspectiva da psicologia social (pp. 58-72). São Paulo, SP: Brasiliense.

Power, M., & Laughlin, R. (1992). Critical theory and accounting. In M. Alvesson & H. Willmott (Ed.), Critical management studies. London: Sage.

Marcuse, H. (1998). Sobre os fundamentos filosóficos do conceito de trabalho da ciência econômica. In Cultura e sociedade (vol. 2, pp. 7-50). São Paulo, SP: Paz e Terra.

2.3 Article in scientific journal

Martinez, A. L., & Cardoso, R. C. (2009). Gerenciamento da informação contábil no Brasil mediante decisões operacionais. Revista Eletrônica de Administração, 15(3), 600-626.

Chenhall, R. H. (2003). Management control systems design within its organizational context: findings from contingency – based research and directions for the future. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 28(2-3), 97-322.

2.4 Article in newspaper

Chaui, M. (1999, May 9). A universidade operacional. A atual reforma do Estado ameaça esvaziar a instituição universitária com sua lógica de mercado. Folha de São Paulo, 5, 3.

Ades, C. (2001, April 15). Os animais também pensam: e têm consciência. Jornal da Tarde, p. 4D.

2.5 Paper presented at an event and published in annals or abstracts

Neves, T. F. S., Ortega, C. A., Kim, C., Müller, E., Costa, F. B., Massola, G. M. M. ... Pires, T. A. A. (1998). Desemprego e ideologia: explicações das causas do desemprego utilizadas por trabalhadores metalúrgicos. In Anais do VII Encontro Regional da Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Social: neoliberalismo e os desafios para a psicologia social (p. 139). Bauru, SP: Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Social.

Galhardo, J. A. G., Pereira, A. C., & Silva, A. F. (2009). Artifícios adotados pelos gestores associados à presença potencial do contingenciamento orçamentário e financeiro da União: a esfera de poder e o órgão de vinculação importam? In Resumos do XXXIII Encontro Nacional da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração (p. 182). São Paulo, SP: Anpad.

2.6 Monograph, dissertation or thesis

Vassalo, B. (2002). Uma adaptação dos conceitos de CRM dentro da migração de clientes no Banco Itaú (Undergraduate Monograph). Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado, São Paulo.

Porto, P. C. C. (1998). Alguns efeitos da falta do reconhecimento da inflação nos demonstrativos contábeis e seus impactos financeiros: um caso prático (Master’s Dissertation). Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo.

Malacrida, M. J. C. (2009). A relevância do lucro líquido versus fluxo de caixa operacional para o mercado de ações brasileiro (Ph.D. thesis). Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo.

2.7 Text available on the internet

PriceWaterhouseCoopers. (2015). Fusões e aquisições no Brasil. Retrieved from

Brochet, F., Nam, S., & Ronen, J. (2007). The role of accruals in predicting future cash flows and stock returns (Working Paper). Retrieved from

2.8 Study in press

Salvitti, A., Viégas, L. S., Mortada, S. P. & Tavares, D. S. (in press). O trabalho do camelô: trajetória profissional e cotidiano. Cadernos de Psicologia Social do Trabalho.

2.9 Unpublished text

Oliveira, F. (1999). Desemprego e psicologia. São Paulo. (unpublished)



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