O Edifício Taperinha no imaginário de Santa Maria, RS
uma associação através de cartões-postais da cidade
Taperinha., Postcard, Architecture, Modernism, ImaginaryAbstract
The Taperinha Building, located in the center of Santa Maria, is one of the most representative buildings of local modern architecture. The general objective of this study was to understand the importance of the Taperinha Building and its presence in the imaginary associated with Santa Maria. As specific objectives, the study intended to: investigate the participation of the building in the historical context of the city; understand the project and the particularities of Taperinha; and identify how it is recognized and represented on postcards. The methodology was based on two stages: 1) bibliographic research, searching for references on the subjects of postcards and the city of Santa Maria and the Taperinha Building; 2) documentary research in the Municipal Historical Archive and online sources of postcards that portrayed the city of Santa Maria. The results show that the volumetric composition and height of Taperinha made it stand out in the urban skyline and establish itself in the popular imagination. The six postcards show that the building, together with other urban elements, made up the image of the city at the time.
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