Cercadão dos Dicetas and popular quilombola education

learning, knowledge, experiences and resistance





This article seeks to understand the popular education processes developed by the Quilombola Remanescent Community (CRQ) - located in the municipality of Caucaia, in the state of Ceará - Cercadão dos Dicetas. In order to present the formulation of learning, experiences and socially shared knowledge. For that, an eminently qualitative research was elaborated, based on direct observations, interviews and conversations. In addition to forwarding a historical investigation as a basis for discussion while seeking to deepen it with an empirical dive. The theoretical debate is articulated with an observation about the recognition in its historical, race and class dimensions, while punctuating the processes of identity construction, which permeate the whole process of quilombola popular education, having both community and community meetings. school education the central focus on teaching and the subjects and their experiences. As final considerations, we observe how the community interprets its conditions and proposes its demands in order to resist through education and how the popular educational process presents both its own and imposed limits, as well as possibilities.



How to Cite

THÉ, R. da F. S.; ARNAUD PAIVA, I. L. Cercadão dos Dicetas and popular quilombola education: learning, knowledge, experiences and resistance. O Público e o Privado, Fortaleza, v. 19, n. 40 set/dez, 2021. DOI: 10.52521/19.5393. Disponível em: https://revistas.uece.br/index.php/opublicoeoprivado/article/view/5393. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.