Fortaleza in the view of the elderly

where the public and the private intersect


  • Gisafran Nazareno Mota Jucá


History, memory, urban history, oral history, old people memory


If the city represents a continuum, between yesterday and today, the testimony from the elderly is a precious source, which goes beyond the simple function of an alternative resource to obtain a greater number information. Despite the respect that should be dedicated to the elderly, by tradition, everyday practice in modern societies marginalizes elderly people, channeling all vitality, disseminated through the media, to the of young people, capable of captivating each other and overcoming the barriers imposed However, with the discovery of the horizons of memory, the social dimension of the object studied is expanded, since the individual and the collective, expressed through the testimonials, allows us a different understanding than transmitted by traditional documentation. Even away from social life competitive, the old are independent to present their opinions on various aspects of urban life.



How to Cite

JUCÁ, G. N. M. Fortaleza in the view of the elderly: where the public and the private intersect. O Público e o Privado, Fortaleza, v. 1, n. 1 jan.jun, p. 71–85, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 may. 2024.