The integration Between Public safety and mediation of conflicts through community police


  • Lilia Maia de Morais Sales
  • Andrine Oliveira Nunes


For the maintenance of a Democratic State of Right the principal is not force, neither aggression, through the police repression, but the development of the society through education, unrestricted access to the justice and protection to the rights. The formation of the police should be central in human rights, so that this is understood as having dignity and be able to view the next likewise. Community policing is characterized by integrating the community police officer, rescuing the reliability in their functional activity and preventing crime. Through the mediation of conflicts - an effective instrument for the development of this proposal, because it is a mechanism that uses dialogue and consensus building - the relationship between security officer and society becomes stronger, which helps in educating the population before their esponsibility with regard to public security and the effectiveness of a culture of peace.



How to Cite

SALES, L. M. de M.; NUNES, A. O. The integration Between Public safety and mediation of conflicts through community police. O Público e o Privado, Fortaleza, v. 8, n. 15 jan.jun, p. 111–126, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.