
a criticism to the entrepreneurialism of public security on control societies


  • Anderson Duarte


Public security, Police, Governamentality, Neoliberalism, Entrepreneurialism


This article proposes to critically discuss the policies implemented in the field of public security from the 1980s, including in Brazil, on the occasion of the consolidation of US neoliberalism as a paradigm of organization of society and programming of subjects. To do this, the film RoboCop (USA, 1987) is analyzed using Michel Foucault’s conceptual framework, especially the 1979 course ‘Birth of Biopolitics’, when the author coined the term ‘neoliberal governmentality’, whose effects on the field of public security culminate in what we name here as public security entrepreneurialism.



How to Cite

DUARTE, A. Robocop: a criticism to the entrepreneurialism of public security on control societies. O Público e o Privado, Fortaleza, v. 14, n. 28 jun.dez, p. 211–222, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 sep. 2024.