Brazilian middle education in the context of the 2016 coupe of state


  • Maria Aires de Lima
  • Frederico Jorge Ferreira Costa
  • Karla Raphaella Costa Pereira
  • Alisson Slider do Nascimento de Paula


Brazilian High School, Educational reform, Coup d’etat


This paper aims to demonstrate the historical relationship between high school and the needs of workers’ education, initially presenting the reforms that changed the secondary education in the history of Brazilian education, starting with the Constitution of 1824, the first Magna Letter of Brazil, until To reach the Secondary School Reform of 2017, to be presented and discussed in the second topic of this work. This research has as approach the qualitative research and as methodology the documentary research. Through analysis of the legal provisions dealing with national education and, specifically, secondary education: LDB No. 4.024 of 1961, Law No. 5.692 of 1971, LDB No. 9.394 of 1996, Law No. 13.415 and Measure Provisional 746. As a method, we have as a theoretical-philosophical contribution the dialectical historical materialism, because it allows to go from the abstract to the concrete, trying to express the movement of the real in different instances and different levels of concretion (MARX, 2008).



How to Cite

DE LIMA, M. A.; COSTA, F. J. F.; PEREIRA, K. R. C.; DE PAULA, A. S. do N. Brazilian middle education in the context of the 2016 coupe of state. O Público e o Privado, Fortaleza, v. 15, n. 30 jul.dez, p. 89–105, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.