Educação Profissional no Brasil, Escola Unitária e a Agenda Globalmenente Estruturada


  • Rafael Rabelo Cavalcanti
  • Francisca Rejane Bezerra Andrade



public policy, professional education, unitary school, work as an educational principle


The Professional Education scenario is where the central plot of this article unfolds. We will start from the presentation of the Gramscian perspective of unitary school, as well as the definition of work as an educational principle, present in an almost hegemonic way in the legislation about the public policy of Professional Education in Brazil and in the visited literature. From the readings undertaken, we found that the perspective that Gramsci adopts in his conception of Education, and more specifically of Professional Education, as well as his school model, are defended, at least in theory, in the field of Brazilian educational
policy in the document “ Public Policies for Professional Education ", considered the initial milestone in the public debate about the Professional Education model to be adopted as public policy in Brazil, and in the" National Curriculum Guidelines for Technical Education for High School Level ". Thus, we understand that Gramsci is present in the conceptualization and theoretical framework of the main documents and in the legislation that regulates Professional Education in Brazil. Finally, we will try to analyze a more current
perspective in relation to Professional Education, introducing more recent questions about the impact of the so-called “globally structured agenda” in education, seeking to relate it to this type of teaching in the country


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How to Cite

Cavalcanti, R. R., & Andrade, F. R. B. (2020). Educação Profissional no Brasil, Escola Unitária e a Agenda Globalmenente Estruturada. Inovação & Tecnologia Social, 2(3), 33–42.


