Acessibilidade por contratos: o Tradutor e Intérprete de Libras educacional e os desafios da operacionalização das políticas públicas de educação de surdos no Amapá


  • Elaine Pereira da Silva Mestre em Planejamento e Políticas Publicas pela Universidade Estadual do Ceará - UECE
  • Rodrigo Santaella Gonçalves Doutor em Ciências políticas, Professor do Instituto Federal do Ceará – IFCE e Membro Permanente do Programa de Pós-graduação em Políticas Públicas da Universidade Estadual do Ceará - UECE



translator and interpreter of educational pounds, public policies, inclusion, linguistic accessibility, deafness


Accessibility for contracts: The Translator and Interpreter of Educational Libraries - TILSE and the challenges of the operationalization of the public policies of deaf education in Amapá sought to analyze the barriers imposed by the public administration regarding the guarantee of having interpreters of Libras in the classroom. The administrative contracts cited in the study are being used as a palliative measure to the resolution of the problem by the government that for presenting structural failures as the capture and data collection of the real deficiency in the schools by this professional end up walking watered down to legal processes and determinations emanated by the community that in turn see no other alternative if they do not turn to the Public Prosecutor's Office to guarantee the right. The study is contemporary and of great social relevance when external in its theoretical presuppositions, through Lopes and Fabris (2017), Alcântara (2013), Quadros (1997, 2008), Rech (2011), Milton Santos (2007), Santana (2007), Minayo (2009), Marilena Chauy (1994) among other legal sources, among them the publications of the National Education Policy if deaf from the Ministry of Education of (re) thinking public policies that reach the root of the problem, with a view to its resolution. The research presents the evolutionary path of the professionalization of the Educational Libras Interpreter in the state of Amapá, as well as the alignment of the national vocational training guidelines with a view to methodological quality in the use of the language headed by the Federation of Interpreters - FEBRAPILS (2017). We present a thin line elucidated in the study when the executive branch transfers the responsibility of developing the non-literate deaf student in Libras, present in the regular schools, to the professional of the Specialized Educational Assistance-AEE, without there being a guideline or much less preparation of this category, that in its contractual essence does not have such attribution. Field research was carried out with the Special Education Nucleus (NEES) and the Centro de Atención al Surdo-CAS, in addition to bibliographic research and documentary analysis, where through structured interviews with the managers of those sectors, to reach the objectives listed in the research, revealing the real scenario perpetuated in terms of attendance and inclusion of the deaf in basic education, and from then on, we can visualize possible ways to solve the challenges.


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How to Cite

Silva , E. P. da, & Gonçalves, R. S. (2021). Acessibilidade por contratos: o Tradutor e Intérprete de Libras educacional e os desafios da operacionalização das políticas públicas de educação de surdos no Amapá. Inovação & Tecnologia Social, 3(8), 88–106.


