Health AVE: software in the emergency service with patients suspected of having a stroke
stroke, software, health information system, emergency care servicesAbstract
The present study aimed to develop software for use in the emergency service with patients suspected of having a stroke. This is a methodological study developed in three stages. The first stage involved defining the theme, educational objectives, and target audience. The Health AVE software was proposed as a clinical resource for patients suspected of having a stroke in the emergency department. Thus, its objectives were established with a view to the management (involving anamnesis, physical examination, complementary exams, diagnosis, and treatment) of these patients by health professionals who work in the area of urgency and emergency in the hospital environment. The second stage consisted of Interface planning. The identification of the software is the image of a brain to highlight the theme the software deals with, followed by the chosen name. It was designed with a web interface, facilitating its installation and eliminating the need for reinstallation on each machine individually. The third stage involved the development the technology. The development of the software was carried out in partnership with systems analysts, and for its construction, the Customer Reception Form with Suspected Stroke from the emergency room at Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Sobral, Ceará, was used as a reference. The software developed in this study can be considered an innovative tool. It can also be used as a tool for screening, monitoring, and diagnosing patients with suspected stroke and can be applied in real health service scenarios.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Keyla Bastos Melo, Keila Maria Carvalho Martins, Hermínia Maria Sousa da Ponte, José Alex Pontes Martins
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