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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The journal Gestão & Cuidado em Saúde does not establish a maximum number of authors per manuscript, with "graduate" being the minimum title required of at least one of the authors of the article.

All author(s) and co-author(s) must inform their title; name of the institution to which they are linked with acronym; e-mail; Lattes and Orcid as a footnote linked to the name of each author.

Submitted papers must be unpublished and cannot be simultaneously evaluated for publication in another journal.

The submission platform used by GECS is Open Journal Systems - OJS, and products sent by e-mail or any other means other than the submission platform, accessed directly at the journal's website, will not be accepted.

Papers written in English language must contain the abstract and keywords presented in English and Portuguese.

Submitted manuscripts must comply with the Journal's Editorial Policy, as well as its scope.

The author should check the list of required documents and take the following steps:

  1. Submit to the Editor, if desired, a cover letter according to the template, justifying why your manuscript should be published and what scientific contributions it will bring.
  2. Submit the title page of the manuscript according to the template, where all the metadata of the author(s), title and abstract of the work, three to five keywords (in English and Portuguese), contributors/collaborators/fostering agencies, and references must be correctly presented.
  3. Submit a Declaration of Responsibility and Assignment of Copyright, signed by all authors and addressed to the editor-in-chief, according to the model.
  4. Research involving human beings in Brazil, according to CNS Resolution No. 466/2012, must present documentation proving the approval of the project by the Research Ethics Committee and/or CONEP, when necessary.
  5. Submit the manuscript to the journal system.

5.1. The formatting of the text must follow the following standards:

  • Microsoft Word, font Times New Roman, size 12 pt, spacing 1.5 in the body of the text, except for citations with more than 3 lines, footnotes and captions, which must have size 10pt (ABNT - NBR 14724/2011).
  • Page configuration: A4 size paper - left and top margins of 3 cm; right and bottom margins of 2 cm.
  • Two versions of the work must be submitted: one containing the name and affiliation of the author(s) and another in which all mentions of the author(s) are deleted, including in citations and references, replacing the information with "XXXXXXXX", so that the double-blind review process can be carried out.

Data, concepts and references contained in the papers are the sole responsibility of the author(s).

The papers will be evaluated by the Editorial Board of the journal to assess whether the texts are in accordance with the editorial policy. If the work meets the requirements, it will be sent anonymously for evaluation.

Papers that do not fit the thematic scope or do not comply with the journal's standards will be returned to the author(s). If revisions or adaptations are required for publication, the journal's executive secretary will contact the author(s) to make the necessary corrections.


Section under the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief.


The initial submission of the manuscript must follow the standard of a scientific article and include all submission documents required for review (cover letter [if the author wishes]; title page; manuscript according to the template provided and copyright statement).

Articles submitted without formatting according to the journal's standards will be returned to the authors in order to be formatted according to the specific requirements of Gestão & Cuidado em Saúde to continue in the evaluation process.

Original articles should be limited to 15 pages, including abstract, tables, figures and references.

Review Articles

The initial submission of the manuscript must follow the standard of a scientific article and include all submission documents required for review (cover letter [if the author wishes]; title page; manuscript according to the template provided and copyright statement).

Articles submitted without formatting according to the journal's standards will be returned to the authors in order to be formatted according to the specific requirements of Gestão & Cuidado em Saúde to continue in the evaluation process.

Review articles should be limited to 20 pages, including abstract, tables, figures and references.


Preprints will be accepted if previously indicated by the author(s). This section occupies a maximum of 10% of the journal's annual publications.

Privacy Statement

Privacy Policy

The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes. 

Copyright Statement

The authors retain the copyright of the work and grant the right of first publication to Gestão & Cuidado em Saúde, with the work being published under the Creative Commons Attribuition 4.0 license, which allows the work to be shared with acknowledgement of authorship and initial publication in this journal. 

Authors who publish in Gestão & Cuidado em Saúde agree to the terms contained in the Declaration of Responsibility  and Copyright, and must present it together with the other documents required when submitting products.