Chemical composition and sensory analysis of rabbit meat kibbeh



Rabbit farming, Tenderness, Meat product, Flavor, Texture


The consumption of rabbit meat is still very low in Brazil. Thus, so the transformation of meat transformation into a processed meat product, such as kibbeh, can be an alternative to add value and increase the consumption of this food. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the chemical composition, sensory attributes, and acceptability of rabbit meat, in the form of kibbeh, in comparison to kibbeh produced with chicken or pork meat. For the preparation, the kibbehs were made of i) boned and ground rabbit meat; ii) chicken breast; iii) or pork loin; and kibbeh wheat with various spices. The kibbehs were molded and standardized to obtain an approximate weight of 7g. The rabbit meat kibbeh presented better nutritional composition (p<0.05) than the other evaluated kibbehs, with 57.52% moisture; 2.16% lipids; 14.72% protein, 4.37% ash, and 3,768 kcal/kg of mass. For the sensory analysis, the participants were mostly men (60%), with different age ranges and family incomes similar to or less than the minimum wage (34.2%). All the sensory attributes of the rabbit kibbeh showed high acceptability, with values above 79%, with odor and taste being those of greater acceptance (90.0% and 86.7%, respectively). The tasters (75%) demonstrated a strong purchase intention. Thus, it was concluded that rabbit kibbeh has high acceptability and sensory attributes that are attractive to consumers, indicating that this product has high sales potential if inserted in the food market.


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How to Cite

RODRIGUES, P. G.; SANTOS, L. F. dos; QUEIROZ, L. de O.; FRAGA, D. H. A. G.; PEREIRA, H. B. de J.; SANTOS, B. de J.; SILVA, C. M. Chemical composition and sensory analysis of rabbit meat kibbeh. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 33, n. 4, p. 30 a 42, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



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