The instrumentalization of philosophy for the purpose of social training


  • Renato B. Roman Universidade Federal do ABC - UFABC



Philosophy. Instrumentalization. Social Training. Antonio Gramsci. Michel Foucault.


In 2008, Law No. 11,684 reinstated Philosophy as a mandatory subject in high school. However, this initiative, although commendable at first sight, may imply a weakening of its reflective and critical essence. In classrooms, the discipline is often limited to a mere historical exposition of thinkers and schools of thought, while on social networks, reductionism prevails due to factors such as likes, shares and visibility. This essay seeks to debate the impact of mandatory Philosophy in the school curriculum and its appropriation as content on social networks, both to strengthen and improve its reflective and critical nature.

Author Biography

Renato B. Roman, Universidade Federal do ABC - UFABC

Professor da rede publica estadual há 16 anos, formado em História, Geografia e Pedagogia, pós graduado em Ensino de Filosofia pela UFSCAR e atualmente mestrando do programa de Ensino e História das Ciências e Matemática pela UFABC.


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FOUCAULT, Michel. Microfísica do Poder. Rio de Janeiro: Graal, 1979.

NOSELLA, Paolo. A escola de Gramsci. 3. ed. São Paulo: Cortez, 2004.

SEMERARO, Giovanni. Gramsci e os novos embates da Filosofia da Práxis. Aparecida, São Paulo: Idéias & Letras, 2006.

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FREIRE, Paulo. Educação e Mudança. Tradução Moacir Gadotti; Lílian Lopes Martin. 30. ed. São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 2007.



How to Cite

B. Roman, R. (2024). The instrumentalization of philosophy for the purpose of social training. Occursus - Revista De Filosofia, 9(1), 149–153.