Antonio Mário dos Santos: the debut of a theater director in Alagoinhas (BA) (1964 - 1986)


  • Bruna Meyer Pereira


This article discusses the trajectory of Antonio Mário dos Santos (1922 - 2002), focusing on his contributions to the theatrical, artistic and intellectual resistance in Alagoinhas between 1964 and 1986. He directed two theater groups, Dias Gomes (1964) and Natureza (1970), in which one can notice certain changes in his performance. Antonio Mário can be understood as a social actor who proposed conditions of access to cultural assets, and who created representation as a black artist, evidenced through art. This paper was based on memorial sources, newspapers, personal documents of the character - among them, photographs, notes and scripts of the plays - as well as flyers, programs and official documents that verify the cultural activities in the city, in the proposed period.


Author Biography

Bruna Meyer Pereira

Licenciada em História pela Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB) e mestre pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em História - UNEB. Bolsista da FAPESB. Email para contato:

