
  • Altemar Muniz


According to Paul Ricouer, "Memory, history, forgetfulness", the
memory is the basis of historical knowledge, especially in the case of institutions where
for the most part there is still no written history. There is a difficulty speaking of
an institution, especially when it is inserted inside it, as it warns
Pierre Bourdieu in his studies on the scientific field. Pierre Nora in "Between memory
and history: the problematic of places, "says that memory is a living source, constantly
change, in an unconscious and dialectical relationship between remembering and forgetting, with periods
of latencies and revitalizations of a past, where one wishes to reflect and to understand, from
of the demands of the present time. The memory would thus be submitted not only to an instance
of the subjectivity of the individual, as well as to the instances of powers. Certeau in "Writing
of history "recalls that along with the instances of powers" places allow
and interdict the productions of history, making possible certain researches in function of
conjunctures and common problems and preventing others ". This discussion of the
The role of places for the development of memories is an important point for those who
with institutions or entities as spaces of primacy for the construction of identities and
of legitimating discourses on the part of the groups that compose them, and which are in constant
disputes in the definition of what will be remembered and what will be forgotten.

