A Violência Doméstica no Amapá:

um estudo na vara de violência doméstica da comarca de santana


  • Rosileia dos Santos de Oliveira Pelaes
  • Maria Helena de Paula Frota




public policies, gender relations, domestic violence, restorative justice, law 11340/2006


This study aimed to analyze whether the foundations of restorative justice are adequate to face domestic and family violence against women. Some categories of analysis were used in the study, such as: public policies, gender, restorative justice, domestic violence that guided the understanding of which path the public power in the State of Amapá follows in the fight against domestic violence. The chosen time frame was from 2016, when the institutionalization of the restorative policy took place within the Judiciary, through the National Council of Justice, which approved Resolution No. 225, of May 31, 2016, providing for the National Policy on Restorative Justice, in compliance with United Nations Resolutions 1999/26, 2000/12 and 2002/12. The methodological path used some procedures such as: field visit, document analysis, observation, interviews and application of questionnaires at the Domestic Violence Court in the District of Santana in the State of Amapá, at the State Prosecutor's Office and at the Service Center the woman and the family (CAMUF). The women interviewed at the Domestic Violence Court in the District of Santana in the State of Amapá indicated the retributive model as the most appropriate way, as they believe that the sentence with deprivation of liberty is the way to eliminate domestic violence.


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How to Cite

Pelaes, R. dos S. de O., & Frota, M. H. de P. (2020). A Violência Doméstica no Amapá:: um estudo na vara de violência doméstica da comarca de santana. Inovação & Tecnologia Social, 2(4), 92–99. https://doi.org/10.47455/2675-0090.2020.2.4.4772


