Walter Benjamim e a Escola Nacional Florestan Fernandes (ENFF) do MST:

aproximações e cruzamentos


  • Micharlles Lopes Paz
  • David Barbosa Oliveira



walter benjamim, enff, hope


The main objective of the current article is to weave together the revolutionary-romantic thought of the philosopher Walter Benjamim with the experience of the National School Florestan Fernandes (ENFF) of the MST. How would this Jewish-German thinker who lived through the tensions arising from the first half of the 20th century have a relationship with this rebellious school that emerged in the early 21st century? Is there a possibility of neural and coronary connections between both? What would be the theoretical and practical enrichment of this approach? It is not a matter of making the Benjamin theory fit the forceps in the ENFF experience, but rather a little history of points of intercession between their dreams and fears, respecting the time lapse that separates them and the singularities of each historical context. It is a battle-ball between embracing worldviews, ideas and ideals convergent that illuminate points of the historical intelligibility of our dramas and current expectations. The intention is, therefore, to inventory possible intersections, such as: if that is the magician of profane illuminations for his passionate bet on nostalgic redemption that inspires a utopia, questioning the present from the past struggles with a view to the emergence of the Revolution; this is the space dedicated to the theoretical-practical operationalization of revolutionary praxis itself, since it saves and updates the working class struggle verb, honoring the ancestral commitments of those who fell on the “wheels of the majestic chariots of progress”. Benjamin's dream is about the future, just as ENFF's is, witch the future of hope. Both recognize the fundamental importance of the battles for the memory inscribed in the tradition of the oppressed Both the ENFF and the thinker are spiritualists, that is, they conceive that, through the hostility of the class struggle, the oppressed they should not do without the help of the spiritual forces, the one that operationalizes their soul through the mystical ,he exercises this through his faith in the messianic and redemptive forces of humanity, producing of courage, hope, tenacity and love for the present struggle.


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How to Cite

Paz, M. L., & Oliveira, D. B. (2020). Walter Benjamim e a Escola Nacional Florestan Fernandes (ENFF) do MST:: aproximações e cruzamentos. Inovação & Tecnologia Social, 2(4), 26–40.


