Percepção dos Profissionais de Segurança Pública sobre Atuação Integrada em Fortaleza-Ce


  • Francisco Armando Vidal Mestre em Planejamento e Políticas Publicas pela Universidade Estadual do Ceará - UECE
  • Andréa Maria Luz da Silva Doutora em Políticas Públicas pela Universidade Estadual do Ceará - UECE e Professora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Políticas Públicas (PPGPP) da UECE



public security, public policy, municipal guard, integration


This article refers to a stage of the study developed in the dissertation entitled “Policies of integration in public security: study on the model of citizen security in Fortaleza-Ceará” (VIDAL, 2023), which started from the interest in investigating about the integration between the security forces active in the state of Ceará, belonging to the municipal, state and federal spheres and their importance for the process of building citizen security in the city of Fortaleza. It was proposed to understand the perception of public safety managers and operators about the practice (or not) of integration in their daily work. For that, the following thematic categories were used: Public Security; Public Security Policy; Municipal guard; Citizen Security; and Integration. The research method used has a bibliographical nature, with a qualitative approach, as well as an explanatory and exploratory purpose, since data extracted from interviews with public security agents were used as a source, in addition to the analysis of specialized literature and official documents, which generated objectively measurable information about the perception of these professionals about the importance of integration as a way to achieve citizen security in the city of Fortaleza, through public security policies.


It was verified that, both by the reflections that the theoretical framework allows, and by the objective data collected, the integrated actions developed between the security forces in the city of Fortaleza have contributed over time to the construction of citizen security. It is hoped, with the results presented, that this research can contribute to the improvement of public security policies and to the deepening of new research on this topic of great social interest.


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How to Cite

Vidal, F. A., & Silva, A. M. L. da. (2024). Percepção dos Profissionais de Segurança Pública sobre Atuação Integrada em Fortaleza-Ce. Inovação & Tecnologia Social, 6(13), 5–20.


