A nova Lei de Organização Judiciária do Estado do Ceará à Luz da Cidadania Participativa:

o caso do município de paramoti


  • Romário Nascimento de Oliveira Mestre em Planejamento e Políticas Publicas pela Universidade Estadual do Ceará - UECE
  • Camila Holanda Marinho Universidade Estadual do Ceará – UECE e Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas Travessias - “Trajetórias Juvenis, Afetividades e Direitos Humanos”




new law of judicial organization of ceará, participation, citizenship, municipality of paramoti


This article is an excerpt from my master's dissertation entitled: The law of extinction of judicial districts in Ceará: the case of the municipality of Paramoti, however, we made some notes in order to analyze the new law of judicial organization of the state of Ceará to the light of Participation and Citizenship with a focus on access to justice for inland populations. The respective law provides for the judicial organization of the State of Ceará, comprising the structure and functioning of the Judiciary and its auxiliary services. With the unpopular name of “law for the extinction of districts”, its main focus was the extinction of the districts of smaller municipalities, being the responsibility for the access to justice of these populations, acquitted by medium or large municipalities. From these initial data, it is important to make an analysis of the emancipation of citizens, as subjects endowed with participatory consciousness in the directions of society, seeking some modern concepts of renowned authors on the subject, situating the interior populations, being these understood as the real ones impacted. for the implementation of this new law in the state of Ceará. Therefore, we will focus, in this article, on the bias of participation and hearing of these subjects in the municipality of Paramoti.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, R. N. de, & Marinho, C. H. (2023). A nova Lei de Organização Judiciária do Estado do Ceará à Luz da Cidadania Participativa:: o caso do município de paramoti . Inovação & Tecnologia Social, 5(11), 87–93. https://doi.org/10.47455/2675-0090.2023.5.11.10750


