A operacionalização do SIPIA Conselho Tutelar pelos Conselheiros e suas implicações na formulação de políticas públicas e na proteção de crianças e adolescentes de Fortaleza


  • Nara Rejane Gonçalves de Araújo Mestre em Planejamento e Políticas Publicas pela Universidade Estadual do Ceará - UECE
  • Francisca Rejane Bezerra Andrade Doutora em Educação pela Universidade de São Paulo – USP e Professora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação (PPGE) - UECE




guardianship council, child and adolescent, guardianship councilor, sipia


The research in question had as its general objective to understand the implications of the operationalization of the data on violations against children and adolescents in Fortaleza in the "SIPIA Guardianship Council" - Information System for Children and Adolescents - exclusively by the Guardianship Councils in the period from 2019 to 2021. The specific objectives were: to identify the operationalization process of "SIPIA Guardianship Council" in the Councils of Guardianship in Fortaleza; to analyze the data contained in "SIPIA Guardianship Council" on violations against children and adolescents in Fortaleza in the period from 2019 to 2021, considering the HDI of the most affected neighborhoods, the regions and the councils to which they belong; to ascertain the knowledge of the Councils of Guardianship on the operationalization process of "SIPIA - Guardianship Council". In methodological terms, bibliographic and documental research was used, and an empirical research was carried out through the use of semi-structured interviews with two legal analysts who work with the Guardianship Councilors of the capital city of Ceará. The analysis and interpretation of the data were of two types: content analysis (BARDIN, 2016) for the written documents and discourse analysis (MINAYO, 1994) for the data collected in the field research. The data present in the "SIPIA Guardianship Council - Information System for Children and Adolescents" reports were also collected and analyzed. The triangulation of the data (GIL, 1946) at the end of the research concluded that: the only operators of SIPIA are the guardianship councilors themselves, who receive training offered by the Foundation of the Child and the Family Citizen - FUNCI. Therefore, the data also showed that during the Covid-19 pandemic, the rates of violations of the rights of children and adolescents in Fortaleza increased significantly, compared to the period of one year before this global health crisis. Finally, we arrive at the reflection that there is no continuous monitoring in the preparation of the guardianship councilors in order to make them qualified enough for the operationalization of SIPIA. This implies in the formulation of public policies and in the protection of children and adolescents in Fortaleza.


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How to Cite

Araújo, N. R. G. de, & Andrade, F. R. B. (2022). A operacionalização do SIPIA Conselho Tutelar pelos Conselheiros e suas implicações na formulação de políticas públicas e na proteção de crianças e adolescentes de Fortaleza. Inovação & Tecnologia Social, 4(10), 90–103. https://doi.org/10.47455/2675-0090.2023.4.10.10568


