Educ. Form.
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Linguagem em Foco Scientific Journal
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Conexão ComCiência
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Tensões Mundiais
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Revista de Instrumentos, Modelos e Políticas em Avaliação Educacional
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Ciência Animal
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Inovação & Tecnologia Social
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O Público e o Privado
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História e Culturas
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Request the following roles.
Occursus - Revista de Filosofia
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Conatus Journal - Philosophy of Spinoza (ISSN 1981-7509)a
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Conhecer: debate entre o público e o privado
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Revista GeoUECE
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Educational Practices, Memories and Oralities
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Boletim Cearense de Educação e História da Matemática
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Teaching in Perspectives
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GPOSSHE notebooks
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Polymatheia - Philosophical Journal
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Cadernos de Ensino, Ciências & Tecnologia
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Journal of History Bilros: History(s), Society(ies) and Culture(s)
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Diálogos Interdisciplinares em Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental
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Journal of Nutrition and Health Surveillance
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CENTÚRIAS - Revista Eletrônica de História
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Gestão & Cuidado em Saúde
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[ARQUIVADA] Políticas Públicas e Sociedade
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[ARQUIVADA] Cadernos de Estudos e Pesquisas do Sertão da Feclesc/Uece
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