Management of procuction animals that cause more bother to urban population
Animal welfare, Ways of raising animal, Animal feelingAbstract
The present study had the purpose of verifying which are the main forms of management in raising farm animals that cause discomfort to the population. For this purpose, an online questionnaire was applied with questions related to animal husbandry and some management techniques that are currently implemented. The data were analyzed statistically by the Statical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS). The survey obtained a sample of 251 respondents. There was no difference in responses regardless of gender. Of the respondents, 85.3% claimed to have knowledge on animal welfare and 88.06% indicated that they consume products of animal origin, while 14.3% and 13.94% did not, respectively. Most of the interviewees are between 15 and 25 years old, which corresponds to about 19% of the population. Regardless of the consumption or not of products of animal origin, most respondents, above 89% stated that animals have feelings, as for non-consumers the percentage was 100%. After analyzing the photos of the techniques used in animal breeding, we observed that the images that presented the greatest discomfort to the public, are the ones that the animals are in cages or overcrowded. The fact that the animals are in small spaces and the presence of cages in the breeding systems are the main points that cause discomfort to the population regarding the raising of farm animals, being one of the reasons for people to reduce or cease the consumption of products of origin animal, which may be related to the lack of dissemination of the welfare techniques that are currently performed for the benefit of the animals quality of life.
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