Use of cryodedration in the production of anatomical models as a teaching tool
Cryopreservation, Anatomy teaching, Digestive system, SheepAbstract
The study aimed to describe the application of cryodehydration in sheep stomachs for later use as teaching material for high school students integrated to agriculture. Ten adult sheep stomachs from slaughterhouses in the city of São Manuel - SP were used. Initially, the organs were dissected, the ruminal contents removed under hydropropulsion and fixed with 10% formalin for 10 days. Then, the organs were suspended and frozen in the freezer at -8 °C and thawed by repetition at room temperature, being kept frozen for 24 hours and 24 hours at room temperature. To finish, the pieces received a layer of marine varnish and were packed in plastic boxes. The pieces were photographed and made available for the development of practical classes. Using the cryodehydration preservation technique, anatomical pieces were produced to teach animal anatomy in a practical.
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