Analysis of mercury in shrimp by direct analysis using dma-80 evo atomic absorption spectrometry



Shrimp, Mercury, Direct mercury analysis, Contamination


Mercury (Hg) is a highly teratogenic and carcinogenic non-essential metal, classified as a priority pollutant. Hg is present in the environment both naturally and by anthropogenic origin. The objective of this work was to determine Hg in a shrimp sample using thermal composition amalgamation atomic absorption spectrometry (TDA-AAS) by the direct analysis method. In this work, wild (Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis) and farmed (Litopenaeus vannamei) shrimp purchased on the market in northeastern Brazil were considered. The analysis method applied was the U.S. EPA Method 7473 and is described elsewhere in the literature as a proven alternative to these techniques that provided environmentally friendly sample preparation. The wild shrimp tissue presented 75.47 μg kg−1 Hg and was the highest concentration of Hg presented in the work while the lowest concentration of Hg in the work was from the shrimp exoskeleton which presented a concentration of 3.71 μg kg −1 Hg.


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How to Cite

RAMOS, L. L.; MAGALHÃES, G. V. V.; MATOS, W. O.; LIMA, A. C. A. de; MALVEIRA, J. Q.; BARROSO, P. . M.; SOUSA, P. L. R. de. Analysis of mercury in shrimp by direct analysis using dma-80 evo atomic absorption spectrometry. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 33, n. 1, p. 24–27, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jul. 2024.



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