Clinical conditions of external hearing conduct and timpanic membrane through otoscopy in dogs


  • Ana Caroline Romão da SILVA Centro Universitário de Patos de Minas – UNIPAM
  • Lorena Vaz REZENDE Centro Universitário de Patos de Minas – UNIPAM
  • Guilherme Nascimento CUNHA Centro Universitário de Patos de Minas – UNIPAM


Ceruminovltic, Stenosis, Hyperemia, Ear


The objectives of the study was evaluated the clinical conditions of the ear canal and the tympanic membrane (TM) through otoscopic examination, correlating the use of ceruminolytics and topical solutions with visualization of the structures mentioned above. Otoscopic examinations were performed on 20 adult dogs, random breeded, divided into three groups. Control Group or I (GI): five animals didn’t receive any type of prior treatment to the otoscopic examination; Group II (GII): 10 dogs received bilateral treatment with ceruminolytic in the three days before the exams; Group III (GIII): five dogs received the same treatment as GII, adding bilateral lavage of the ears with physiological solution at room temperature (25 ºC) at the time of examination. The ear canal and TM were evaluated, and physical and chemical restraints were performed. In the evaluation of the ear was found fetid odor in 5.0% of the dogs. In the ear canal, hyperemia was observed in 40.0%, stenosis in 20.0% and bloody exudate in 10.0% of the dogs. Total or partial obstructions of the ear canal due to excess cerumen represented 42.5% and 25.0% of the ears; respectively. MT was observed in 45.0% of the dogs, 60% of the animals belonging to GI, 50.0% of GII and 20.0% of GIII. When associated with hyperemia in the ear canal, visualization of TM was possible in 37.5% and in cases of stenosis was visualized in only 25.0% of dogs. It was concluded that the excess of cerumen and stenosis of the ear canal were the clinical conditions that most interfered in the visualization of the structures and limited the use of otoscopic examination as diagnostic method. The use of topical solutions in the treatment prior to the otological examination did not demonstrate a gain in the TM of the dogs, requiring improvements in the techniques used.


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How to Cite

SILVA, A. C. R. da; REZENDE, L. V.; CUNHA, G. N. Clinical conditions of external hearing conduct and timpanic membrane through otoscopy in dogs. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 29, n. 3, p. 1–10, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.



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