Montaigne and the paths that develop a well formed head


  • Matheus Passavante Amaral Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE


Head well-formed. Essay. Education. Preceptor. Moral Formation.


This article aims to reconstruct and present Montaigne's ideas about education based on the essay “On the Education of Children”. By contextualizing the genre “essay” in Montaigne's philosophy, we identify some implicit values present in his argument about education. By presenting his critiques of humanistic scholastic pedagogy, we recover two fundamental notions for his reflection on education: “a head well-formed” and “the commerce of men”. Showing that for Montaigne the formation takes place through the visitation of the world, it denotes the teacher's function and his ways to lead his students to develop a well-formed head.


Author Biography

Matheus Passavante Amaral, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE

Licenciado em Filosofia (2016) pela UFPE, Mestre em Filosofia (2019) pelo Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Filosofia (PROF-FILO), núcleo UFPE. Atualmente participa do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas Foucault e Educação: Reverberações e Ensaios de Pensamento (Centro de educação - UFPE). Contato:



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How to Cite

Passavante Amaral, M. (2024). Montaigne and the paths that develop a well formed head. Occursus - Revista De Filosofia, 4(2 - Jul./Dez.), 131–149. Retrieved from