Deus está morto! Considerações sobre o aforismo de Friedrich Nietzsche, diante da comprovação das Ondas Gravitacionais


  • Maressa Pinheiro Barros Universidade Estadual do Ceará - UECE


Philosophy. Astronomy. Nietzsche. Einstein. Cosmo.


From the beginning of time to the present, the human tend to attribute myths, rites, beliefs and ideas of the need to understand the cosmos, in a way that man is not susceptible to it, but inserted in it. In the process that involves from astrology to philosophy, it became necessary to man refrain myths to advance in intellectuality presenting rational explanations about what is the Universe. This intellectual advancement resulted in the appearing of sciences such as astronomy and astrophysics that endlessly seeks to decipher and prove empirically the unknowns of Cosmo. Today, the philosophy becomes ignored by renowned scientists with the justification of the impossibility of reconciling philosophical speculation to the progress of scientific paradigms. But how to ignore the foundation responsible for the improvement of the human intellect? Is it possible to decipher the cosmos becoming absent to the reflection about what it characterized? Through the Nietzsche’s aphorism contained in the book The Gay Science and Albert Einstein’s paper entitled Theory of General Relativity, the intention is to demonstrate the correlation between philosophical reasoning and the progressive advance of the cosmos study.

Author Biography

Maressa Pinheiro Barros , Universidade Estadual do Ceará - UECE

Graduanda em Filosofia pela Universidade Estadual do Ceará - UECE. Integrante do GT Benedictus de Spinoza - UECE e Bolsista de Iniciação Científica - CNPQ. Voluntária no projeto LHC@home, direcionado a pesquisas referentes à Física Quântica, Cosmologia e Astrofísica.


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How to Cite

Pinheiro Barros , M. (2024). Deus está morto! Considerações sobre o aforismo de Friedrich Nietzsche, diante da comprovação das Ondas Gravitacionais. Occursus - Revista De Filosofia, 1(1 - Jan./Jun.), 173–198. Retrieved from