Parole chiave:
FTAI, cattle, development, profitabilityAbstract
In 2019, Brazilreachedthethirdplace in the world milkproductionratio, precededbythe United States ofAmericaandIndia. However, mostofthemilkconsumedbyBraziliansis still imported, withexportpotentialincreasing as milkproductionisoptimized. In Maranhão, dairyfarminghasgrown over thepast 20 years, beingmainlycomposedofsmalldairyfarmers. In order for theretobeanimprovement in production, anincrease in thebreeder's income andtheproductivityoftheplace, zootechnical, sanitaryandreproductivecontroloftheanimalsontheproperties must becarried out. The inclusionofreproductivebiotechnologies, such as Fixed Time Artificial Insemination (FTAI), isanimportantstepthatraisesthetechnicalleveloftheproducerbasedongeneticimprovement, however, theanimals must havegoodnutritional, healthandbehavioralconditionstobeableto use them. Therefore, in thiswork, theFTAItechniquewasincluded in thedairycowsofsmallbreeders in themunicipalityof Lagoa Grande do Maranhão, in whichtheyfittherequired standards. The FTAI hormonal protocolwasadopted in 44 dairycowsfrom 6 farmslocated in themunicipalityof Maranhão, in orderto favor local milkproductivity.
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