Parole chiave:
Biometrics, biotechnology, semen, neotropical primatesAbstract
The objectiveofthisstudywastodescribeand compare theheadmorphometryof normal andpathologicalspermfromSaimirimacrodon. In themorphologicalanalysis, 39% ofthespermhad normal morphology, and 61% had major orminordefects, withpathology in thetailsbeingthemostfrequentwith 47% (38% curledtail, 7% foldedtailand 2% stronglyfoldedtail). Amongtheevaluatedheadmorphometryparameters, area (A), width (L) andellipticity (E) showedstatisticaldifference (p<0.05) between normal andpathologicalsperm. The averageheadareaandwidthwaslower in normal sperm (p=0,01 e p=0,04, respectively), andthemeanellipticitywashigher (p=0,038), whencomparedtopathologicalsperm. ThisdefinitionofthespermmorphometricparametersofS. macrodonisimportant for the samples selectiondestinedtoreproductionbiotechnologiesand for theclarificationoftaxonomicandevolutionaryissues in the genus Saimiri.
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