Dog poisoning by anuran poisons: prevalence, animal damage and clinical protocols
Anurans, Dogs, Poisoning, Anuran poisonsAbstract
Individuals of the Bufonidae family are commonly associated with cases of poisoning in dogs after contact with the venom secreted in glands present in the tegument, reinforcing the importance of effective treatments after this interaction. In this paper, we present a review of cases of poisoning in dogs by anuran venom, relating the main symptoms in dogs and the clinical protocols used. We performed a search for articles reporting cases of anuran poisoning in dogs in the Google Scholar, Scielo, and PubMed repositories. We used keywords in Portuguese and English. A total of 430 articles were found and only 17 of which were in accordance with the research proposal. The records found were for Brazil, Australia, and the United States. The species of anurans reported in the literature were exclusively those of the genus Rhinella. The greatest number of cases registered in Brazil occurred in an urban environment. The main symptoms described after intoxication in dogs were excessive salivation, convulsion, and vomiting. Deaths were also found during the search. The main protocols for treatment after poisoning were washing the dog's oral cavity, and administration of atropine, diazepam, and fluid therapy. It was observed that the size of the dogs influences the severity after intoxication, with small dogs being more susceptible to lethal conditions. Due to the low number of records, we suggest that the number of cases on this topic is possibly underestimated. In this study, we showed that the protocols used for the care of intoxicated dogs are not performed in a standard way, changing according to the clinical picture presented.
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