Semen cryopreservation i n captive jaguars



  • Herlon Victor Rodrigues SILVA Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau
  • Brenna de Sousa BARBOSA Universidade Estadual do Ceará


Conservation, Semen freezing, Reproductive biotechnology


The jaguar is one of the main important animals of the Brazilian fauna and among all felines, the jaguar (Panthera onca) is only smaller than the lion (Panthera leo) and the tiger (Panthera tigris), soon being classified as the largest cat from all over the American continent. Despite all the recognition and importance, the species has undergone a significant reduction in the number of individuals. This species has been maintaining its conservation status as a vulnerable species for a long time, according to the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment, and close to threatened, according to the classification of the IUCN Red List. The main causes that lead to a decrease in the population of this species are related to the reduction in the number of natural prey such as deer, peccary and collared peccary, and mainly due to the expansion of urban areas, destruction of natural habitats, being hit by roads and illegal hunting. Such factors capable of reducing the population of these animals have been constantly worsening due mainly to ineffective public policies for the protection of endangered species. Against this background, researchers are working to develop strategies to protect the species. The conservation strategy of greater prominence and of quicker result in the short term is the reproductive biotechniques, since such techniques are able to increase the number of individuals in a short period of time. In reproductive biotechniques, semen cryopreservation (freezing) stands out, a technique in which samples can be stored under extremely negative temperatures for a long period of time and the material can also be moved to any location.


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How to Cite

SILVA, H. V. R.; BARBOSA, B. de S. Semen cryopreservation i n captive jaguars: CRIOPRESERVAÇÃO DE SÊMEN EM ONÇAS PINTADAS DE CATIVEIRO. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 30, n. 4, p. 1–09, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.



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