Use of copper sulfate for debridement of exuberant granulation tissue in traumatic equine wounds


  • Carla Faria Orlandini de ANDRADE Instituto Federal Goiano, Campus Urutaí
  • Ana Júlia Morais SILVA Instituto Federal Goiano, Campus Urutaí
  • Francyne Aparecida PEREIRA Instituto Federal Goiano, Campus Urutaí
  • Weder Rener ESPINDOLA Instituto Federal Goiano, Campus Urutaí
  • Fabrício Carrião dos SANTOS Instituto Federal Goiano, Campus Urutaí
  • André Giarola BOSCARATO Universidade Paranaense, PR
  • Luiz Romulo ALBERTON Universidade Paranaense, PR


Antiseptic, Horses, Wound healing, Chronic wounds, Hypergranulation, Laceration


Due to the facilities in which horses are reared and their nature, they usually are involved in accidents that most of the times result in limb injuries of varying degrees of severity. Wounds located at the distal extremities are generally complicated by lack of lining tissue, poor circulation, joint movement, increased predisposition to contamination and consequent infection. Furthermore, skin healing in horses have particular characteristics, with exuberant granulation tissue formation being common in this species, leading to a longer time for clinical recovery and wound resolution. Several treatments have been described in the literature to prevent or reduce exuberant granulation in horses. However, no protocol has been described for the treatment of chronic wounds in this species. This paper aims at reporting two cases of horses with lacerating wounds in the hind limbs, with exuberant granulation growth, topically treated with 20% copper sulfate. This method of treatment has been shown to be effective, inexpensive, and easy to perform, being a possible therapy for chronic wounds with hypergranulation tissue in horses, especially in cases where surgical resection of the tissue is not possible.


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How to Cite

ANDRADE, C. F. O. de .; SILVA, A. J. M. .; PEREIRA, F. A. .; ESPINDOLA, W. R. .; SANTOS, F. C. dos .; BOSCARATO, A. G. .; ALBERTON, L. R. . Use of copper sulfate for debridement of exuberant granulation tissue in traumatic equine wounds. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 30, n. 3, p. 126–133, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.