Canine transmissible venereal tumor with mammary metastasis
Treatment, chemotherapy, vinscristine sulfateAbstract
Transmissible venereral tumor (TVT) is a canine neoplasm of high incidence and clinical relevance. Transmission results from the transplantation of neoplastic cells during mating, licking, biting or sniffing of the affected regions. The diagnosis is based on clinical signs and laboratory tests (cytological examination / histopathologic examination / immune histochemical examination). Different treatments (surgical excision / radiotherapy / chemotherapy) are recommended. The chemotherapeutic vincristine sulfate is effective. This study aimed to report a case of canine TVT. A dog, without defined breed (SRD), weighing 9 kg, uncastrated, presenting nodulations and progressive bleeding in the genital region, in addition to a nodule located in the right inguinal mammary gland, suggestive of TVT. The dog was submitted to laboratory tests (complete blood count/biochemical examination), cytological examination and abdominal ultrasound examination. The
cytologic diagnosis confirmed the suspicion of TVT. The chemotherapeutic vincristine sulfate at a dose of 0.05 mg/kg administered intravenously four times at weekly intervals was used in the treatment. The cytological diagnosis after treatment showed absence of neoplastic cells. In conclusion, the treatment of TVT using the chemotherapeutic vinscristine sulfate has been shown to be effective.
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