Total ablation of hearing conduct in dog with chronic otite


  • Thayane de Oliveira VIEIRA Faculdade Terra Nordeste (FATENE)
  • Caroline Gurgel MACAMBIRA Faculdade Terra Nordeste (FATENE)
  • Vitória Martiniano Martins CAVALCANTE Faculdade Terra Nordeste (FATENE)
  • Biatriz Christina Soares BENEVIDES Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido
  • Darlla Whaianny Fernandes de LIMA Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido
  • Luanda Pamela de OLIVEIRA Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido
  • Ingrid Rabelo RODRIGUES Médica Veterinária Autônoma
  • Anderson Pinto ALMEIDA Faculdade Terra Nordeste (FATENE)


TECA, Average otitis, Bular osteotomy


Otitis is an inflammation of the ear canal that can affect the outer and middle ear, and its pathogenesis is divided into perpetuating, predisposing and primary factors. The most common clinical signs are erythema, pain on palpation, itching and oozing. In addition to the history and anamnesis, radiography, otoscopy and biopsy can assist in the diagnosis. The initial treatment aims to control the perpetuating factors, eliminate predisposing factors and control the underlying cause. In cases of recurrent chronic external otitis, stenosis of the ear canal, ear deformities, polyps and neoplasms, surgical treatment is indicated. The present work reports the case of a 13-year-old mixed breed canine, attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal Rural University of the Semi-arid (UFERSA), with a foul odor in the ear, excess of dark colored cerumen, erythema, itching and acute pain palpating the base of the left ear. Through anamnesis, physical examination and complementary tests such as radiography, the animal was diagnosed with chronic otitis. Then, we opted for the surgical treatment of total ablation of the auditory canal (TECA), which consists of the removal of the vertical and horizontal ear canal, associated with lateral osteotomy of the tympanic bulla. The surgical procedure was effective in the treatment of chronic otitis unresponsive to drug treatment previously performed in the last five years, done intermittently by the tutor.


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How to Cite

VIEIRA, T. de O. .; MACAMBIRA, C. G. .; CAVALCANTE, V. M. M. .; BENEVIDES, B. C. S. .; LIMA, D. . W. F. de .; OLIVEIRA, L. P. de .; RODRIGUES, I. R. .; ALMEIDA, A. P. . Total ablation of hearing conduct in dog with chronic otite. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 30, n. 2, p. 25–32, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.