A discussion on aversive control in dogs


  • Diogo Cesar Gomes da SILVA Laboratório Cognitivo Comportamental de Pesquisa e Intervenção (UNIDERP)
  • Fernanda Corrêa Gonçalves MORAES Laboratório Cognitivo Comportamental de Pesquisa e Intervenção (UNIDERP)
  • Patricia Oliveira CHAVES Pós-Graduação em Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Local (UNIDERP)
  • Emmanuelle Lima MORAES Educadora Canina
  • José SABINO Pós-Graduação em Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Local (UNIDERP)


Behaviorism, Ethology, Punishment, Reinforcment


Faced with a growing concern with the understanding of canine ethology and processes in education and training, an emerging demand reflects people's desire for improvements in the quality of interspecific social interactions. Scientific fields such as Ethology and Behavioral Psychology have gained prominence in the orientation and construction of knowledge, as well as in intervention methods, aiming for social welfare and quality in multispecies families. Among the scientific currents that give basis to this scenario, in particular, the Behaviorist approach is predominant in the current scenario. Elementary concepts of Skinner's theory and Operant Behavior such as Reinforcement and Aversive Control are constantly discussed and applied in canine education processes and clinical behavioral contexts. However, theoretical and methodological disagreements are increasingly visible, polarizing opinions and practices. In the light of the above, this discussion turns to the critics of Skinner's theory in terms of Aversive Control in the practices involving education and behavioral clinic of dogs.


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How to Cite

SILVA, D. C. G. da .; MORAES, F. C. G. .; CHAVES, P. . O. .; MORAES, E. L. .; SABINO, J. . A discussion on aversive control in dogs. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 30, n. 2, p. 109–122, 2022. Disponível em: https://revistas.uece.br/index.php/cienciaanimal/article/view/9609. Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.