Digestible lysine requirement for japanese quail


  • Camilla Mendonça SILVA PNPD/Capes, (UFS)
  • Arlene dos Santos LIMA PNPD/Capes, (UFS)
  • Douglas Melo de SOUZA PNPD/Capes, (UFS)
  • Lucas Oliveira da Silva FARIAS PNPD/Capes, (UFS)
  • Mônica Railene Reis de JESUS PNPD/Capes, (UFS)
  • Bruna de Jesus SANTOS PNPD/Capes, (UFS)
  • Gregório Murilo de OLIVEIRA JÚNIOR PNPD/Capes, (UFS)


Birds, Cotton farming, Performance, Nutrition


The objective was to determine the requirements of digestible lysine for Japanese quails in the phase preceding the laying (up to 42 days of age). A total of 480 quails were distributed in a completely randomized design, within five treatments (0.80; 0.95; 1.10; 1.25 e 1.40% digestible lysine), four replicates with 24 birds per experimental unit, for performance evaluation in the initial production phase. The performance evaluation in the growth phase (21 to 42 days of age) used 420 quails distributed in the same treatments as in the previous phase, with 12 replicates/treatment and seven birds per unit. Weight gain (p=0.01) and food conversion (p=0.02) were influenced by the levels of digestible lysine during the initial production phase, showing linear behavior. In the growth phase, there were no effects (p>0.05) on the feed intake (FI) and weight gain (WG), however the feed conversion (FC) presented an increasing linear behavior (p=0.02). When evaluating the performance of the quails during the total period (7 to 42 days of age), a quadratic effect was observed for FI (p=0.01) and a linear for FC (p=0.01), however, the levels of lysine did not affect the quail WG at this stage (p=0.15). It is concluded that the requirement of digestible lysine for Japanese quails from 7 to 21 days of age is 1.40%; for the growing period, it is recommended 0.80% of digestible lysine, and for the total period before egg production (7 to 42 days of age) 0.80% is recommended for the evaluated characteristics.


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How to Cite

SILVA, C. M. .; LIMA, A. dos S. .; SOUZA, D. M. de .; FARIAS, L. O. da S. .; JESUS , M. R. R. de; SANTOS, B. . de J. .; OLIVEIRA JÚNIOR, G. M. de . Digestible lysine requirement for japanese quail. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 30, n. 2, p. 58–67, 2022. Disponível em: https://revistas.uece.br/index.php/cienciaanimal/article/view/9594. Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.



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