Artificial inseminationat a fixed time in smallruminants:
challengeof a commercialprogram
artificial insemination, small ruminants, well-beingAbstract
Artificial Insemination is one of the most used animal reproduction biotechniques in small ruminants, contributing to the incessant search for animal improvement in this species and presenting itself as viable to small, medium and large producers. By the conventional method, with estrus observation, or with the use of estrus synchronization and ovulation induction protocols, using Fixed Time Artificial Insemination (IATF), there are several challenges encountered when executing a commercial program. Understanding the non-standardization of management in the various production units, as well as the little or no attention given, by most producers, to animal welfare issues, involving thermal comfort, meeting the specific nutritional needs of each phase, the use rudimentary practices that trigger stress, with the consequent release of cortisol and, the low appreciation of the team of employees, facts that, at different levels, have contributed to the achievement of undesirable results. Greater attention needs to be paid to the organization of the entire production chain and, in particular, of small ruminant production units.
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