Comparison between different techniques used in the conservation and maintenance of anatomical parts


  • Patrícia Gabrielle Carneiro LIMA Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFSE)
  • Lucas Piauí BARBOSA Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFSE)
  • Ana Paula Alves MELO Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFSE)
  • Urias Fagner Santos NASCIMENTO Doutorado em Ciência Veterinária da UFRPE
  • Ana Carolina Silveira PEREIRA Dpto de Medicina Veterinária (UFSE)
  • Jeferson Santana BRITO Laboratório de Anatomia Animal (UFSE)
  • Huber RIZZO Dpto de Medicina Veterinária da UFRPE


Anatomia, Desidratação, Corrosão


Among the several ways to obtain the conservation of anatomical parts for study, formalization is the most used. This technique changes the color and texture, making the teaching-learning process difficult. In addition, it provides an unhealthy environment that may compromise the health of individuals constantly exposed to formaldehyde. There are alternative techniques such as glycerination, cryodehydration, and corrosion, which reduce health risks caused by exposure to materials, provide an environment free of unpleasant odors and facilitate handling and storage of parts, when compared to formalization. This work aims to present alternative techniques for the conservation and maintenance of anatomical parts and their proper procedures, seeking to replace the use of formaldehyde the main form of conservation. The glycerination technique presents great efficiency in preserving the viscera's color and shape characteristics, in addition to being a low-cost technique and not presenting health risks, as well as the cryodehydration technique. The cryodehydration differs in relation to the tonality of the viscera; however, it demonstrates convenience in terms of their conservation, storage, and maintenance. On the other hand, the injection and corrosion of organs facilitate the visualization of the internal architecture of hollow organs, in addition to allowing the model of organ vascularization. However, it can be considered an expensive technique depending on the polymer used.


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How to Cite

LIMA, P. G. C. .; BARBOSA, L. P. .; MELO, A. P. . A.; NASCIMENTO, U. F. S. .; PEREIRA, A. C. . S. .; BRITO, J. S. .; RIZZO, H. . Comparison between different techniques used in the conservation and maintenance of anatomical parts. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 32, n. 1, p. 01–08, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jul. 2024.



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