Associatedimmunomediated hemolytic anemia mycoplasmosis in a dog
Canine, Mycoplasma spp, blood smear, hematological changesAbstract
Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (AHIM) is a type II hypersensitivity reaction, where red blood cell destruction occurs or increases. It can be divided into primary, characterized by not having an underlying cause, and secondary, which can be caused by infectious agents, such as mycoplasmosis, neoplasms, drugs and transfusions. The objective of this work was to perform a clinical and laboratory analysis of a dog with immune-mediated hemolytic anemia due to Mycoplasma spp. A five-months-old female Pit Bull dog was taken to the hospital presenting vomiting, diarrhea and anorexia. On physical examination, it was possible to observe the presence of ticks and icteric mucous membranes. In hematological exams, it was possible to show morphological changes in red blood cells that characterize immune-mediated hemolytic anemia and the presence of the parasite Mycoplasma spp. In the biochemical analyzes it was observed increased serum levels of creatinine and urea. It can be concluded that the observation of Mycoplasma spp. in blood vessels associated with erythrocyte morphological changes are of relevant importance for the diagnosis of AHIM, thus assisting in the practice of a better method of therapy, contributing to the patient's prognosis.
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