Tibial osteosynthesis in a black capuchin monkey
Wild Animals, surgery, bone fractures, primates, orthopedicAbstract
The black capuchin monkey is endemic in areas of Atlantic Forest, but can be found in other regions, such as the city of Maringá, Paraná, in areas of environmental reserve. It is an almost endangered species. Accidents involving wild animals are common, especially in reserve areas close to streets and avenues. The objective is to report the case of a female, adult, 3.1 kg Sapajus nigritus nigritus, which was rescued and treated after being run over. After radiographic examination of the right pelvic limb, a short degree I, open oblique fracture of the tibia and fibula was found. After cleaning and temporary immobilization of the limb with a splint, the animal was submitted to tibial osteosynthesis surgery. The pre-anesthetic medication protocol included dexmedetomidine associated with morphine. Anesthetic induction was performed with propofol and ketamine intravenously. Epidural blocking was performed with lidocaine. During the surgical procedure, a blocked plate was applied to the support function and five blocked screws. Postoperative pharmacological care involved administration of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and opioid analgesics. After three days, the limb returned to functionality. The patient remained hospitalized 45 days postoperatively for recovery under veterinary care. It was concluded that the fracture fixation method, as well as the sedative and anesthetic protocols used, are applicable for the mentioned species.
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