Comparison of the effect of the exudate from lettuce root and the effect from exudate of bergamot mint on the development of nile tilapia and parasites population in aquaponics system
aquaponic system, allelopathy, ectoparasites, medicinal plantsAbstract
Plants release organic compounds through their roots. It is known that Mentha piperita releases terpenes by its root system, compounds that show antiparasitic effect in fishes. Aquaponics systems raises simultaneously fishes and vegetables. Thus, the objective of this study is to investigate if the bergamot mint (Mentha X piperita var citrata) controls a monogeneans infestation in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) through its root exudates in the aquaponics system and the effects of this integration in water quality parameters and weight development. The experiment used three treatments with four repetitions in water with adequate quality for fish culture, each for 45 days: aquaponics with lettuce as placebo (Lactuva sativa; CA), aquaponics with bergamot mint (CH) and fish culture without plants (SP). A total of 120 Nile tilapia juveniles with 1.9±0,45g mean weight were used distributed in 12 fish tanks. In the treatments CA and CH, there were a significant increase in the mean weight (3.89±0.18g = CA; 4.15±0.17g = CH; e 3.49±0.18g = SP; p<0.05), as well water quality maintenance for ammonia (0.44mg/L = CA; 0.38mg/L = CH e 1.25mg/L = SP; p<0.05) and pH (6.86 = CA; 6.80 = CH; e 5.64 = SP; p<0.05), regardless of vegetable specie. Parasitological indices did not differ statistically between the treatments. So, it can be concluded that plants contribute in effective way to the animal’s performance, especially, for the water quality control. However, it is not possible to conclude that the exudate of bergamot mint roots can control monogeneans population in tilapia.
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