Physical exercises as an increase in the quality of life of elderly dogs
Physical activity, geriatrics, aging, dogAbstract
The regular practice of physical exercises is a preventive, attractive and effective strategy, to maintain and improve the state of physical and mental health at any age, having direct and indirect beneficial effects to prevent and delay the functional losses of aging, reducing the risk of diseases and frequent disorders in the elderly. In recent years, interest in the geriatric health of dogs and cats has increased significantly due to the increasing longevity of these animals caused by advances in veterinary medicine such as the increase in veterinary specialties, development of new technologies in industries pharmaceutical and animal feed. All these advances are stimulated by the high demand of guardians interested in animal welfare and in providing a better quality of life. In the case of elderly animals, quality of life is understood as maintenance of mobility, pain control, urinary and fecal continence, appetite, and interaction with humans. The performance of physical exercises by geriatric patients involves better pain control, preserving mobility and walking, delaying the advancement of aging and providing a better quality of life. This paper aims to make a literature review addressing the current understanding of exercise practices in the quality of life of elderly dogs.
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