Systemic arterial hypertension in cats
Cardiovascular, feline, target organdamage, bloodpressureAbstract
Systolic arterial hypertensionisoftenrecognized in theclinicalpracticeoffelineinternal medicine andis a common problem in oldercats. Thisdiseaseisusuallysecondarytootherdiseases, such as chronickidneydiseaseandhyperthyroidism. However, in some patientstheunderlying cause isnotidentified, thereforecalledidiopathichypertension. Elevations in bloodpressure, whethersustainedornot, can cause damagetovariousorganssuch as thebrain, eyes, heartandkidneys. These injuries are called target organdamage. Systemicbloodpressureabove 160mmHg has a moderatetosevereriskofdamageto target organs. In thisway, thetreatmentideallyseekstoachieverisksofcognitivedamage. Pharmacologicalsubstancescanbeused as antihypertensivetherapy, amongthem, anamlodipine, a calciumchannelblocker, whichisthedrugofchoice for treatment in cats. In addition, it isextremelyimportantto diagnose diseasesthat cause hypertensionortobeassociatedwith it, sothatthisformofbloodpressureisadequate. Early diagnosisofthediseaseisessentialbecause it helps toreducethe chances of target organdamage, andconsequently, reducemortalityand improve patients' qualityoflife.
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