Use of heating plate aiming at the ovine sperm incubation after cryopreservation


  • Wildelfrancys Lima de Souza Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco
  • Elenice Andrade Moraes Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco
  • Lina Raquel Santos Araújo Laboratório de Reprodução Suína e Tecnologia de Sêmen (FAVET/UECE)
  • Ricardo Torniolli Laboratório de Reprodução Suína e Tecnologia de Sêmen (FAVET/UECE)


CASA, hot plate, freezing, lamb


The objective was to evaluate the use of the hot plate to replace the water bath in the thermo resistance test of ovine sperm after cryopreservation. Ten ejaculates were also collected from three adult sheep (n=30), by means of artificial sheep vagina. The collected samples were diluted in Tris-Egg Yolk, at a final concentration of 200 x106 sptz/mL and subjected to a cooling curve for subsequent cryopreservation in liquid nitrogen straws. Immediately after thawing, the samples were analyzed for membrane and acrosome integrity, and mitochondrial activity. The semen was then divided into two tubes and submitted to TTR, one in a water bath and the other in a hot plate, and evaluated every 30 minutes, from time zero (post-thaw) until 90 minutes of incubation at 37 °C, for sperm motility and progressive motility. The variables were subjected to analysis of variance and the means were compared using the Tukey test at 5% probability. After the freeze/thawing process, sperm showed a low percentage of membrane integrity, high percentage of mitochondrial activity, in addition to maintaining the integrity of acrossome. No difference was observed in sperm motility nor progressive motility, along the TTR, when comparing the sperm that were incubated in a water bath in relation to those incubated in a hot plate during the period of 90 minutes. The heating plate can be used as a means of incubating sheep sperm in replacement of the water bath.


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How to Cite

SOUZA, W. L. de .; MORAES, E. A.; ARAÚJO, L. R. S. .; TORNIOLLI, R. . Use of heating plate aiming at the ovine sperm incubation after cryopreservation. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 31, n. 4, p. 37–46, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.



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