Ventral osteotomy of the tympanic bulla for the treatment of canine otitis media



Neurological abnormalities, Inflamation, Ear, Surgery, Neurological signs


Otitis is defined as a general ear inflammation that affects dogs and cats and can be differentiated based on the specific location in the ear canal. In cases of middle ear otitis, the most common cause is a bacterial infection, followed by traumas, nasopharyngeal polyps, and neoplasms. Clinical signs of this condition include head shaking, sensitivity to touch, itching in the ears, discharge, and in more severe cases, when the inflammation affects the present nerves, it can lead to neurological changes. This paper reports the case of a Pug breed canine, treated in Niterói/RJ, that presented neurological alterations. After anamnesis and complementary exams such as radiography and magnetic resonance imaging, the animal was diagnosed with middle ear otitis. The information was obtained through a review of the medical record, an interview with the owner, and photographic documentation of the diagnostic methods the patient underwent. The recommended surgical treatment was the Ventral Bulla Osteotomy Technique (VBOT). The procedure resulted in a satisfactory prognosis for the patient.


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How to Cite

SALVADOR, G. R.; MACHADO, M. V.; MEDEIROS, C. P. Ventral osteotomy of the tympanic bulla for the treatment of canine otitis media. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 34, n. 3, p. 185 a 191, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 nov. 2024.