Intrathoracic esophagotomy in dog for foreign body removal



Dog, Bone, Esophagoscopy, Esophagorrhaphy


Esophageal foreign bodies (EFBs) are inanimate objects that partially or completely obstruct the lumen of the esophagus. There is a higher prevalence in young dogs of small breeds, due to their less selective eating habits. However, the condition can affect dogs of any age and size. In dogs, the incidence of esophageal FBs is high, whereas in cats, it is sporadic. In cases of ingestion of an esophageal FB, animals may present clinical signs such as: lethargy, anorexia, salivation, attempted vomiting, dysphagia, choking, and difficulty swallowing. The diagnosis is based on history, clinical signs, and complementary tests such as radiography, ultrasound, and endoscopy. Regarding the treatment, FBs can be removed endoscopically, which is the treatment of choice, or by surgical approach via esophagotomy, esophagectomy or gastrotomy, however, their number is low compared to other surgical interventions in small animals. The prognosis is favorable in the absence of complications, such as esophageal perforations, and in the face of rapid intervention and diagnosis. In the present work, the objective was to report a case of intrathoracic esophagotomy to remove a FB in a male canine of the German Spitz breed, emphasizing the diagnostic method, the clinical and surgical approach adopted, and the complications observed during the treatment period for the condition. After treatment, the patient presented good clinical evolution, demonstrating that trans-diaphragmatic mobilization of the omentum associated with the gastrostomy technique was beneficial to assist and accelerate the healing of the organ.


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How to Cite

RODRIGUES, J. S.; SERAFINI , G. M. C.; LINHARES, M. T.; SOCOLHOSKI, B. V. G. Intrathoracic esophagotomy in dog for foreign body removal. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 34, n. 3, p. 172 a 184, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 nov. 2024.