Mummification, fetal maceration and natimortality



Mummified fetus, Piglets, Fetal death, Natimortality, Reproductive problems


Fetal death and natimortality are are highly relevant topics in the agribusiness production chain, since they directly impact the efficiency of production systems and often result in considerable economic losses for rural properties. In general, reproductive losses may be due to, in addition to infectious agents, other non-infectious conditions associated, for example, with nutritional or management failures and the animal genetic conditions. Among the various reproductive complications that affect females, mummification, fetal maceration, and natimortality are identified in several domestic species. Thus, it is essential to implement efficient prophylactic measures to mitigate these losses. This paper conducted a literature review to identify important existing studies on the subject, focusing on the main differences between mummification, fetal maceration, and natimortality in domestic animals, which are considered obstacles to the reproductive efficiency of herds.


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How to Cite

LEITÃO, P. L.; FREITAS, M. da C.; BARROS, T. B.; TONIOLLI, R. Mummification, fetal maceration and natimortality. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 34, n. 3, p. 92 A 111, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 nov. 2024.