Cicatricial effect of arnica montana on wounds induced in wistar rato



Rodents, Skin injury, Herbal medicine


The objective was to evaluate the effect of arnica on the healing of induced cutaneous wounds in Wistar rats. Fifty-six healthy male rats divided into three groups were used: control (16 rats), arnica gel treatment (20 rats), and oral arnica treatment (20 rats). After creating wounds on the dorsum of the animals, biopsies were performed on days 3, 7, 14, and 21 postoperative for macroscopic and microscopic evaluation of the wounds. Macroscopic results showed exudate only in the control group on the 3rd postoperative day, while redness persisted until the 7th day in all groups except the oral treatment group, which persisted until the 14th day. Crusts were observed only until the 14th day in the oral treatment group. Itching persisted only on the 21st day in the control group. There was a statistically significant difference in wound size between the treatment groups and the control. No statistical differences were observed in the amount of defense cells in the treated groups. The control group maintained partial epithelialization on the 14th day, while the other groups showed complete epithelialization. The amount of fibroblasts remained stable in the control group on the 14th day, while in the other groups, it decreased. Collagen fibers were more present in the treatment groups, reflecting a more effective organization. It was concluded that the use of Arnica in treating cutaneous wounds stimulated collagen and its early organization, successfully playing a fundamental role in reducing healing time. However, its oral use was inferior to that found with gel treatment.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, C. S. A. de; PARAGUASSU, T. M.; CUNHA, G. N. Cicatricial effect of arnica montana on wounds induced in wistar rato. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 34, n. 3, p. 17 a 32, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.



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