Tilapia skin as a graft in the repair of corneal ulcers with biotechnological derivatives in dogs



Nile tilapia, Keratoplasty, Grafting, Veterinary oftalmology


Veterinary ophthalmology is a sector of animal science with a growing demand for services, and this can be associated with the greater popularity of brachycephalic dogs as domestic companion animals. These dogs are more likely to suffer eye injuries due to their modified skull and eye anatomy. In the repair of these ocular injuries, grafts of high acquisition, import, and handling costs are used. Therefore, there is a need for innovation with biotechnological materials capable of promoting ocular repairs safely and efficiently. In this context, tilapia skin has stood out in recent years for being able to promote burn healing in humans and animals. The report describes the application of tilapia skin as a biomaterial for the repair of injuries in dogs and cats. The first case describes the corneal repair of an adult male dog, with the acellular dermal matrix of tilapia skin, a derivative rich in collagen. The second case describes the surgical technique of keratoplasty with lyophilized tilapia skin, in the corneal repair of an adult male SRD dog. The third case describes the technique of grafting with fresh tilapia skin to repair a lesion on a dog's eyelid. The biosafety and efficiency of the biomaterial were demonstrated as a grafting option, in different formulations and tissues, creating a pioneering product that could revolutionize Veterinary Ophthalmology and promote the health and well-being of animals with eye injuries.


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MELO, M. de S.; NETO, A. E. V.; PAIER, C. R. K.; RODRIGUES, F. A. R.; MORAES, M. E. A. de; LIMA-JÚNIOR, E. . M. L.-J.; MORAES FILHO, M. O. de. Tilapia skin as a graft in the repair of corneal ulcers with biotechnological derivatives in dogs. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 34, n. 2, p. 152 a 158, 2024. Disponível em: https://revistas.uece.br/index.php/cienciaanimal/article/view/13475. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.