
  • Domingos Jose STURION Curso de Medicina Veterinária das faculdades integradas de ourinhos
  • Claudia Yumi Matsubara Rodrigues FERREIRA Curso de Medicina Veterinária das faculdades integradas de ourinhos
  • Carla Fredrichsen MOYA-ARAUJO Curso de Medicina Veterinária das faculdades integradas de ourinhos
  • Tiago Torrecillas STURION Curso de Medicina Veterinária das faculdades integradas de ourinhos
  • Freddi Bardella de Souza Curso de Medicina Veterinária das faculdades integradas de ourinhos


Actinomyces bovis, granulomatous lesion, cattle


Actinomycosis is a chronic infectious disease that mainly affects ruminants and can be transmitted to humans. It is characterized by the presence of a granulomatosis and suppurative lesion, located in the maxilla or mandible. The definitive diagnosis is based on biopsy or culture, but most of the time it is made based on the clinical appearance of the lesion. The present study aims to write a report of an eight-year-old bovine with an ulcerated lesion on the jaw caused by actinomycosis that was sent to the Veterinary Hospital das Faculdades Integradas de Ourinho


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How to Cite

STURION, D. J.; FERREIRA, C. Y. M. R.; MOYA-ARAUJO, C. F.; STURION, T. T.; SOUZA, F. B. de. ACTINOMYCOSIS IN CATTLE - CASE REPORT. Ciência Animal, [S. l.], v. 25, n. 2, p. 03–06, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.



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